Blood, Sweat & Pee
Stigma-smashing anthem celebrates body leaks
There wasn’t an ounce of realness in undergarments until Knix introduced it. Think unobtainable, airbrushed “angels” stiffly posed in unrealistic positions.
Fast-forward a few years and suddenly every brand was body positive and carrying a product in the leakproof category.
So how does Knix re-establish brand leadership when everyone’s coming for the white space they created?
Other brands may have ditched the mysterious blue period liquid, but they were only tip-toeing into being real.
Our music video campaign wouldn’t stop at de-stigmatizing body leaks, it would straight-up celebrate them. Not just monthly periods, but all the ways real bodies leak every damn day.
Bold lyrics, bright lights, real athletes, dancers and recent mothers - plus a female-led production and crew - all came together to create an unapologetic and in-your-face ode to real bodies - especially the ones that leak.
